Patrizio Dall'Argine born in Parma on July 28, 1971.
Graduated from the art school of Parma.
In 1989 I began the experience of the PERMANENT WORKSHOP TEATRO AL PARCO, studying animation and direction with Maurizio Bercini and dramaturgy with Marina Allegri. The laboratory will perform the following shows in six years:
1990- GLADIATOR! THE PHILOSOPHER, THE ATHLETE, THE PLAYER event of the micromacro festival of Reggio Emilia
1992- PINOCCHIO, Ouch! YOU HAVE DONE ME BAD winner of the Riccione-Camera TV Award, and of awards in the European festivals of Bruchsal, Erlangen (Germany) Nantes, Laval (France), Amsterdam (Holland).
1994- LA TORRE DI BABELE a project in collaboration with the Massalia Theater in Marseille and the Dresden Conservatory.
In the war truce in Dalmatia, before the "Storm" operation carried out by the Croatian independence army (with the support of the American secret services) which had as its objective the expulsion of ethnic Serbs from all over the Dalmatian territory, the PERMANENT LABORATORY TEATRO AL PARCO is called by the CHILDHOOD EMERGENCY COMMITTEE directed by Mario Tommasini to participate in the Sibenik festival, or rather, in what remained of it. Followed by Marco Fratoddi, journalist of the newspaper “il manifesto”, we created shows and murals.
In 1990 I took part as an actor in the “Antigone delle città” project directed by Marco Baliani, an event in commemoration of the ten years of the Bologna station massacre.
From 1991 I started working as a professional at the TEATRO DELLE BRICIOLE in Parma. As a painter-scenographer and builder of objects and puppets, I create the arrangements for the following shows:
1991- Pinocchio directed by Letizia Quintavalla
1992- Lo Stralisco directed by Maurizio Bercini
1993- Beauty and the Beast directed by M. Bercini
1994- La notte dei Mulini directed by Bruno Stori
1995- Canti Briganti directed by M. Bercini
1995 - I refuse! direction m. Bercini (of which I am also an actor and author)
1996- Tincenerisco directed by M. Bercini (of which I am also an actor)
1997- Il canto dei canti directed by M. Bercini
1997- The little man of the sand directed by M. Bercini
1998- Alice directed by Fabrizio Montecchi and M. Bercini,
coproduction with the Teatro Gioco-vita of Piacenza
1998- Cuore di cane directed by M. Bercini (of which I am also an actor and co-author)
1999- The story of Cecco Rivolta directed by M.Bercini (of which I am also an actor)
2000- Toni- the human adventure of Antonio Ligabue (of which I am also an actor)
In 1994 I painted the scenes of the show “La bancarotta” by C. Goldoni, produced by Teatro Due di Parma, directed by Gigi Dall'Aglio.
In 1995 I painted the scenes at the Theater National in Evreaux (France) for the show "Le chant des tambours"
In 1995 I founded the theater group "I Ragazzi della Ghiaia" where I figure as director, author and actor.
The shows of the group:
1995- IL FARO (ETI-Scenario Award finalist)
In the three-year period 97,98,99, I work with the Fontemaggiore company of Perugia in the show “In voce al pescecane” where I act alongside the actor Giampiero Frondini.
In 99 I won the Eti-Scenario award as director, author and sole interpreter of the monologue “CONTRAEREA”, freely inspired by the book La guerra in casa by the writer Luca Rastello. Among the jurors were Sandro Lombardi and Marco Baliani.
In 2002 I was one of the founders of the company "Cà place of art" directed by Maurizio Bercini, with whom I began to deepen the language of puppet theater in the shack. With the company I won the Campogalliani d'oro prize in 2006 as the best Italian puppeteer.
The shows where I worked as a manager, puppeteer, painter and sculptor of puppet heads were:
2002- Little Red Riding Hood - solo puppeteer
2003- Puss in Boots-with Laura Pazzola
2004- Once upon a time there was the Theater - with Laura Pazzola
2005- The princess on the pea- with Laura Pazzola
2007- Fagiolino and Sandrone witnesses of Genoa - solo puppeteer
In 2005 I was called by the ATIR company of Milan directed by Serena Senigallia to participate in the “Beatitudes” project which repeats, among other things, at the Mittelfest in Cividale del Friuli and at the Castel del Monte Festival.
Since 2002 I have been working at the Montevecchio festival in Sardinia where I make a show, “Silver - the protection of beauty” with the students of the Theater yard.
Between 2002 and 2003 I work in Cagliari with the Carpe-die company realizing the show as author, actor and director:
“SA DIA DE SA ANGIONI (the days of the lamb)”.
With the company Esecutivi for the show in Prato I realize the shows:
In the summer of 2006 the Trio Amadei of Parma asked me to set up with them a sort of concert-show inspired by the music and letters of Mozart.
Thus was born MOZART, PAROLE E MUSICA where I interact with the Trio alternating puppets, shadows and reciting voice.
In 2009 I built the sets for the “Barbieri” show at the Teatro Necessario in Parma.
In 2009 I collaborated on the project “Musicians without borders” working as a puppeteer in Prokofiev's Pierino e il lupo with the orchestra directed by maestro Alessio Allegrini.
Since 2008 I have been collaborating with the journalist Riccardo Venturi on the “ Theater inquiries ” project . Two investigations carried out: I went like a bomb a chilling report on doping in the sports clubs of minors and amateurs and
But what goodness on the food sophistication of meat, oil and wine.
In 2009, 2010, 2011, I am the conductor artist of the “Asfodelo” atelier, a project of the Ausl della Valtaro conceived by Caterina Nizzoli by dr, sa Maria Inglese, where I teach painting to children.
In 2009 the Trio Amadei commissioned me to set up a puppet show for the Valcenoarte festival. Thus was born IL FLORINDO INNAMORATO , a traditional show starring the puppet Sandrone.
In 2010 the Municipality of Parma offered me a job as a puppeteer at the Castello dei Puppattini - Giordano Ferrari Museum, the Hypnotic Medical Theater was born in the museum spaces .
I make the show for the poetry festival:
FANTASMAGORIA FOR FABRIZIO DE ANDRE ' a tribute to the Genoese singer-songwriter, with the arrangements and music played live by Maestro Marco Amadei.
In 2011 the assignment was renewed and I set up inside the museum spaces
PARIS, the last winter of Amedeo Modigliani , a journey on the trail of the ghosts of the painters of turn-of-the-century Paris.
Together with the researcher and art historian Paolo Parmiggiani we design and create the series of conferences-show "Puppets in the chair" , as well as the new graphics of the museum.
I make some performances with puppets in the streets to make the museum known to the citizens.
In the autumn of 2011 the Superintendence of Historic-Artistic Heritage of Parma and Piacenza commissioned me a show related to the exhibition "Guadagnini, a luthier at the court of Don Filippo di Borbone" conceived by Andrea Zanrè and Elisa Scrollavezza held at the National Gallery of Parma. Thus I realize the show Guadagnini does not repeat , which makes use of the music played live by the violinist Lilli Amadei.
Since 2012, following the customs of the golden age of puppet theater, with the help of Veronica Ambrosini, I set up LE STAGIONI DI SANDRONE , a comic drama in four one-act acts, a serial show starring Sandrone and his family, forced to come and live in the city.
Since May 2012 I have been involved in the project INDRA- drawn from A. Strindberg's Dream, a show of actors (including Oreste Braghieri and Riccardo Manfredi of the company La nuova complex dormerata) which sees my presence on stage as a puppeteer. The director Silvano Voltolina is a historical presence of the Raffaello Sanzio company. After residences in Brittany and Alsace, the show debuted at the Armunia Festival in Castiglioncello (Li) in June 2013.
In 2013 I set up with Veronica Ambrosini LEONCE UND LENA , a puppet adaptation of Georg Buchner's opera, which debuts in Trento in October.
In this show Thea and Virginia Ambrosini work as cabin attendants. The original music is by Marco Amadei and Luca Marazzi.
In the autumn of 2013 I made the VERDI street show ! commissioned by the Municipality of Parma for the celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of Giuseppe Verdi.
In the autumn of 2014 I am in residence in Lyon, at the Gadagne Museum
and at the Guignol Museum in Brindas.
I put on two of my shows “Il Florindo d'amore” and “Black Variety” translated into French. I hold conferences and public meetings on the Italian puppet and the relationship between tradition and innovation.
In March 2015 one of my puppets, the manager Lomè, became part of the collection of the Gadagne museum in Lyon.
In April 2015, SANDRONE REDUCE DALLA GITA A FORNOVO debuts a complaint in the form of a farce against a co-incinerator active in the province of Parma.
In May 2015 the new comedy “Il Cappello a Cilindro” made its debut, which also saw Veronica and Thea Ambrosini in the hut.
In May 2015, the Medico-Hypnotic Theater organized a three-week review, in all nine meetings, called “The last pigeon of Verdun”.
The review saw international guests and prominent representatives of the classical art of puppet theater.
Funding for the festival is obtained with the contribution of 82 supporters who supported the crowdfunding campaign "The last Verdun pigeon", a project to safeguard the puppet theater in the city of Parma.
In the same month he participates in the European Opera days with the Trio Amadei in VERDI! on the notes of the overtures from La Forza del Destino, Nabucco, I masnadieri by Giuseppe Verdi and from Tannhäuser by Richard Wagner.
In November 2015 he took part in NATURA DEI TEATRI
Contemporary Performing Arts Festival of Lenz Refractions
with La Sconosciuta della Seine , a show conference
to tell about my formal research.
In January 2016, the Medico-Hypnotic Theater staged the staging of "Pierino e il Lupo" by the Russian composer Sergej Prokof'ev at the Teatro Regio in Parma, in a project in collaboration with the Trio Amadei.
In the same year a new show is co-produced, together with the Teatro Caverna in Bergamo and the Teatro del Lavoro in Pinerolo. WERTHER , freely inspired by "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers" by JW Goethe, a show included in a European project of theatrical residences, which will make its debut in June of the same year at the Pinerolo Festival "Images of the Interior".
On this occasion, TOPOLINO is presented , a work that deals with the theme of deaths at sea and migration.
In May 2016 the book MANUAL FOR A PUPPETMAN was published .
In October 2016 the show made its debut at the Ridotto of the Teatro Regio di Parma
"IL PICCOLO VERDI" produced for the Verdi Festival. The music is performed live by the pianist Enrico Padovani.
In the winter of 2017 the company presents six titles from the repertoire in a monographic review at the Teatro Due in Parma.
In the summer of 2017 the new show IN VIAGGIO CON SGORGHIGUELO made its debut, i.e. less psychology and more geography commissioned by the Parks of Western Emilia.
In September 2017 the Ravasio Foundation of Bergamo awarded me the Benedetto Ravasio prize with the following motivation: "His art is the result of a cultured and acute contamination between tradition, of which he keeps alive the deepest values, and his very personal innovation expressive ".
In March 2018, the new show FAGIOLINO E LA GRU based on a short story by Boccaccio's Decameron made its debut at the Teatro Regio di Parma. The music is performed live by accordionist Nicholas Forlani.